If you have a newborn in the family, here’s what you need to know about Little One’s ears and fireworks. Every detail of your family’s Fourth has been planned to a “T,” from the neighborhood barbecue to staking out the...
Contact Sports and Hearing Loss
Playing to Win Could Mean Hearing Loss Soccer is winding down. Hockey and basketball are revving up. College and NFL football are in full swing. Must mean summer is in the rearview mirror. It also means pickup games galore, such...
Protect Your Family’s Hearing This Independence Day
3,2,1 — done! With our three best practices for hearing protection this holiday, the only thing you’ll have to worry about is snagging the best viewing spot. There are so many things to think about during the 4th of July....
10 Jobs That Can Cause Hearing Loss
Noise-induced hearing loss does work on your hearing — this is your guide to America’s loudest jobs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), occupational hearing loss is one of the most common work-related illnesses in the...