March is National Nutrition Month, and that makes this an especially great time to talk about hearing wellness and nutrition. Never thought about food in relation to your ears? You’re not alone. But considering food is a critical source of...
Easy Ways to Boost Heart Health
The human body is complex. So complex, in fact, that some things you read about it might seem downright far-fetched. For example, your heart health affects your hearing health. The Heart–Hearing Link That might sound a little squirrelly, but it’s...
Does High Humidity Affect My Hearing Aids?
One of the great things about starting your better-hearing journey is that your world is more enjoyable when you can hear all those sounds you’ve been missing. That might also mean you’re getting outside more, possibly exposing your hearing devices...
Spring Cleaning: Hearing Aid Edition
Spring cleaning is more than an activity — it’s a mindset. Beyond the dusting, de-cobwebbing, and cleaning behind furniture, what else could benefit from a deep dive? Your hearing technology. The holidays and long winter months can throw even the...
Turn Up Your Hearing Enjoyment With These 5 Apps
You might not think about hearing wellness when pondering apps, but we’re out to change that. Of the estimated 5 million applications available between Apple’s and Google’s app stores alone, those dedicated to hearing wellness and related issues have a...
Hearing And Balance Go Hand In Hand
Q: I’ve heard that my hearing and sense of balance are interconnected. How is that possible? A: It might seem surprising, but it’s true — your ears and balance go somewhat hand in hand, providing another reason to take care...
Turn Up Your Hearing Enjoyment With These 5 Apps
You might not think about hearing wellness when pondering apps, but we’re out to change that. Of the estimated 5 million applications available between Apple’s and Google’s app stores alone, those dedicated to hearing wellness and related issues have a...
Warm Ears Are Healthy Ears
Winter can be a wonderful season filled with holiday cheer, cozy sweaters, hot cocoa, snowball fights, and thrilling sports like skiing and ice skating. Unfortunately, our ears are particularly vulnerable to the cold (especially if hearing aids are worn), so...
Simple Tips for Communicating Through Hearing Loss
Hearing loss doesn’t have to ruin relationships. Here are a few things to keep in mind to keep those crucial lines of communication open. Often the greatest toll hearing loss takes is on the relationships we share with our loved...